Monday, May 20, 2013

Deep Breaths

Fill me with joy, as I think of the season to come.  Not the working season, not the summer season, but the SEASON.

I am filled with love for Mother Nature, love for the Goddess.  Love for Hecate.  I am filled with love for the vastness of the planet and the goodness of the air in my lungs.  Love for my small small space in this big, big world.

Those deep breaths fill me with connection- connectivity- to all living things.  All things good, great, alive and so so so ALIVE.

A-live. A-love.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Children of the Wild Ones

I am not entirely sure what I am doing here in Anchorage.  But I do know that it is a little weird here.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Maiden, Mother, Crone: Happy Mothers' Day.

Right now, I am sitting at a kitchen table in Anchorage considering the idea of motherhood.

I am wrapped in the sweater my mother gave me.

It is the eve of Mother's Day.

I miss my Mom.

I love the world in which I live- and I love it because of my Mom.  She makes it the best of all worlds.  With her humor, her wit, her LOVE, her KINDNESS, her INTELLECT.  Her perfect PERFECT beauty- INSIDE AND OUT.  My mother makes this world one in which it is worth living.  She is the most alive, lovely, LOVING person I know.  She is something else entirely.  She is my touchstone, my totem, my hero.

I am nearly 30 years old and my mother still stands between me and the hoards of people who would have my head on a stick.

She is my best.... everything.

Happy Mother's Day, My Momma.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Pines, Pines, Mountains

This Little Witch just made her way to Anchorage for the next four months.

And after 12 hours of travel, 24 hours of awake followed by 10 hours of asleep, I am staring out the window at towering pines dwarfed by jagged, snow capped mountains.  The air is fresh but cold; the water is clean and heats up fast.

Welcome to Alaska, Little Witch.  Try and stay out of Trouble.


Sunday, May 5, 2013

The chill and dreary rainfall today, May 5 in North Carolina, reminds me of Nature's whim and whimsy.  She does what she wants, when she wants, and just how she likes.  It is lovely to be reminded of such power- just when you start to take it for granted.

Sometimes only when you start to take it for granted.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Sometimes I wish the Witch Herself would deliver me... would save me.  Sometimes I wish that I could fade away into the green and goodness of her world- of her time, space, her bosom and forget all the knowing of this time, this world, this space.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

My May Day, in the Wind, Facing the Lilac

What Love on this Beltane Day.
What Utter Love. 
Outside of my parents' house sits an enormous Lilac bush.  Right now, every time the wind shifts, or barely breathes, that bush releases the most deliciously heady scent.  I want to bury my nose in it.  Today that deeply fragrant plant is my May Day.

That Lilac bush, more than any other signal, symbol, or even idea, is my Beltane.  It is the notion of romance and the accomplishment of growth.  It is so beautiful, so tragically and triumphantly beautiful. It is a home and a heart within and away from my home and my heart.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Double Double, Toil and Trouble...

By the pricking of my thumbs-
Something wicked this way comes....
  --Macbeth Act IV, Scene I

If wild is wicked, then Wicked I Am.  The whirling, swirling, impractical wilderness of the wicked is where I reside.  In the unusual places of the heart- where nature crashes into nurture crashes into nature-  that is where I reside.

And if this Little Witch is anywhere a part of anything- she is a part of the whirling, swirling, constant air of the natural mother, the greatest of all.  Constantly a part of that impractical wilderness of nature which is really the most practical, the most perfect place of being.

By the pricking of my thumbs-
Something wicked this way comes....